Strawberry Roll

Strawberry Roll: Recipe from Susumu Koyama's The Sweet Trick

Yes, you read the title right. This is a swiss roll, or supposed to be one. But it turned out to be Strawberry Cake fold-over, ha! Nothing's wrong with the wonderful recipe though, the clumsy cook in my kitchen was the rootcause of the problem. No prize for guessing who that person is... :-P


Anonymous said…
Oh, Piggy!

That's gorgeous and mouth-watering!
Anonymous said…
the first time i made swiss roll was in home econs in secondary school. it turned out to be swiss fingers.
shaz said…
looks absolutely yummy!!!
diddy said…
Hi Piggy! I stumbled across your wonderful blog while searching for some cake recipes! This looks so decadent! Makes me want to improve my baking skills too!
valen said…
Hi Piggy! Congratulations!! your roll looks really delicious. I wanted to ask where you bought the book "The Sweet Trick" of Koyama? thx!