Pictures from Japan

I've been back from Japan for a week already, but I've no time to blog at all. So what have I been busy with, you might ask. Well, I've attended a few farewell dinners that were arranged by my friends (You know who you are, I really appreciate it!), and during midweek, I even spent one full day in Sentosa with my classmate and a new Japanese friend. On top of that, for the last few days, I was also busy with identifying the items that I want to send to Saudi, taking them out and put them in designated areas, packing some of the electrical appliances in boxes etc. And finally, the staffs from the mover came over this morning and I spent a few hours coordinating the packing with them. All I have to say is, it was a nightmare! I did not expect that it was so tedious... and I don't even want to think about unpacking when the boxes arrive in Saudi yet!

After the packing is done, I've finally able to spend some time to upload the pictures that I took in Japan. Have a look!


Stardust said…
Thanks for the pictures, I hope you've enjoyed your trip. =) You are considered lucky that rain did not stop you from sightseeing. =)

Yes, this must be a very busy period with lots of mixed feelings. Hang on, and concentrate on what you want to bring over cos you wouldn't want to be short of anything, especially if you can't buy them there.
Edith said…
wow time really flies and you are all set to leave. Going to me you leh.
hungryjess said…
wow! herme macaroons!!
u lucky lucky girl!
daphne said…
Great photos piggy!