Sweet and Sour Fish - A Guest Post on Rasa Malaysia

I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited to be the guest writer for one of my favourite blogs, Rasa Malaysia. Just in case you've not heard of Rasa Malaysia, it is a very popular blog which features a comprehensive list of Malaysian and other Asian recipes.

My sweet and sour fish recipe is currently featured over there. Also, please browse through Rasa Malaysia's drool worthy food pictures, as I'm sure that you'll find some yummy recipes that you'd like.


Y said…
Beautiful looking dish, and I like the sound of this recipe. Can't wait to try it!
Stardust said…
Hungry. I'm hungry again. I want to go back ( you know where ). Pout.

Sweet and sour fish is my fav! Let me see if we do it the same... =P
Edith said…
I love this dish too, go so well with rice.

Wow someone is famous liao. hey did you blur out the fish eye? or is it my eyes. hahaha
Jin Hooi said…
Such a lovely blog u have !!! Love all your food pictures ;-)
chenboon said…
i used to subscribe your blog and Rasa Malaysia. Both are good for cooking and Malaysian flavor. JIA YOU!
Piggy said…
Hi Y,

Thanks! Try it out, it's easy and fuss free. ;-)

Hi stardust,

Yeah, I miss that "place" too.. haha!

You can try this dish out when you feel homesick. :-)

Hi Edith,

I also realised that the fish eye looked as if it's been blurred out by PS, haha! No, no PS trick, the eye was coated by the gravy.

Hi Jin Hooi,

Thanks for dropping by, you have a lovely blog as well!

Hi Chenboon,

Thanks for your support. :-)
Indonesia Eats said…
I love this dish as well. In Indonesia, it is known for angsio kakap as we use kakap (English: red snapper). The difference is, wed don't use soy bean paste (Indonesian: tauco)
That fish dish looks wonderful. I'm heading over to Rasa Malaysia for the recipe. Thanks!